It was life on a ranch in Riverdale, California where artist Stacy Gongol was raised that left its mark on her - and on her photography. While pursuing a teaching degree at Fresno State University, Stacy discovered her passion for art - particularly color and texture - through acrylic and sculpture classes. While at her father’s side on the farm, adorning his work shed with rusty barbed wire and other found objects, Stacy marveled at the powerful change that came over massive pieces of machinery with time and weathering. Recently - she has returned to her creative roots, camera in hand, capturing through the lens the interaction between the purity of nature’s elements and the hard-edged purpose of machinery. Her work; taking the machines we come into contact with daily and transforming them to a wild play of coarse texture and vibrant coloring, sparks the mind and inspires awe for the beauty of the things we simply pass by as we wander through our lives.